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VST LINK - Arsenal Compressor / ourafilmes についてつぶやく
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 no. 817 »» Arsenal Compressor / ourafilmes についてつぶやく
 プラグイン内容/対応OS » Compressor count » 906  
Created when I was recently studying and researching on sound processing techniques based on phase、 this plugin is a complete vintage compressor with internal Side-chain filters and M/S (Mid/Side) processing. This free LE version does not feature the Threshold and Mix knobs or their functions: it has a fixed threshold (-25 dB) and its set as 100% wet effect (you can´t blend it with the original signal). Use it to process any sound that needs dynamic processing. Use the side-chain feature to process only certain frequencies、 leaving the other frequencies unprocessed. And last but not least 、 with the M/S feature、 you can process dynamically only the Mid、 the Sides or even achieve the famous NY parallel compression (50/50) but in M/S! Dr. Speaker Blower

This vst effect is a reduced version of the Arsenal Compressor vst plugin. The full version allows you to also control the threshold and the general mix features that are not included in this free version. These allow you to completely control every aspect of the dynamic processing.

■翻訳求む ■Compressor
Arsenal Compressor / ourafilmes
 おすすめ » ★★★  
 aカテゴリー » VST:Compressor 2009/07/09(Thu) 

◆[454]  2011/09/27(Tue) 17:47:35


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